Monday, June 22, 2009

V DAY!!!

No, not Valentine's Day. I would not say that with excitement. Allow me to explain the excitement of TODAY:

My roommate (s) and I looked at a town home yesterday and were sold when we first walked in. The place is ridiculous. Peter, our savvy British landlord, showed it to us and told us a German family was just looking at it earlier that day and they were making a decision the next day, so if we wanted it, we needed to decide ASAP. Since we had supposedly cheaper and less impressive places to look at, we held off. Lo and behold, those places didn't fit the bill, so this morning, we were thrilled to find the place was still available. In true World War II fashion, we recruited our British ally and beat the Germans! THAT'S why today is V-Day!!!

Moving on, here's a floorplan of our place, with customized explanations of the on it to make it bigger.

I'm STOKED and can't wait for a housewarming party.

Did I mention we're moving in a week and a half? ...Yikes.

text me.

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