Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Raise your torch!

One thing that baffles me, aside from the popularity of crocs, is why I haven't posted anything about the olympics yet! I've given up almost my entire social life to just couch it with my snuggie and feel like I'm a part of something global in a positive way. There's nothing like good, friendly, respectful competition to bring people from unheard of parts of the globe together. Why don't, instead of war and suffering, we settle our political disagreements with a quick curling match? Or triple axels? It's wonderful, and I love how fervently I can root for someone I've only heard of five minutes ago in a sport I've had no desire to participate in. Everybody wins.
Since karaoke isn't an Olympic sport (yet), I probably won't make it to the games, unless one of the following happens:

1.) I marry Apolo Anton Ohno. After all, our initials are all vowels.

2.) A figure skater would hire me as a coach, taking my sock\hardwood floor technique very seriously.

3.) I become a mascot...but I like to think that phase of my life is ending. Know your worth...

In all seriousness, I would love to flock to the Games someday, as a spectator, of course. I'd be thrilled. Go for the gold...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Let's Play a Game

It's called: Name that Space-Aged Neon Lit Place!

If you answered:
A.) a cruise ship restaurant
B.) a trendy house music club, featuring a glass gogo cage and perhaps an ice bar
C.) the USS Enterprise,

You'd be wrong.

Because it's my new old high school.

I didn't recognize it either.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Eat my powder!!!

I mean snow, not crack cocaine.
So this may sound like complete and utter bullshit, but I went downhill skiing the other Kansas, home of flat lands and flatter lands. About 20 years ago, some wannabe x-gamer found the only clump of not flat land and decided to make a "ski lodge" out of it, and use corn to make snow. How, you ask? I couldn't tell you. I would've used newspaper shavings or cat litter.
Nonetheless, adventurous Midwesterners now have a downhill sanctuary. And I do mean "hill". Not "mountain".

To prove how Xtreme I am now, here's a video of my mad skills. (Note: this felt a lot more impressive than it looks):

Did you see that guy almost plow me?! I'm happy to report that he fell immediately after he skiid offscreen.

But here's my crowning glory of the day:

Try THAT next time you're in Vail.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Open Wiiiiiiide!

Odontophobia: fear of dental work.

Aichmophobia: fear of sharp objects

Pnigophobia: fear of the mercy of your mom.

Zero cavities.

It's okay, I actually have a lot of fun going to the dentist cuz it's just my mom.
I got a new purple toothbrush and a new purple pencil.
And some hilarious pictures.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I don't understand...

Why every Chinese restaurant can't be as scrumptious as Fortune Wok in Overland Park, Kansas.

Sesame euphoria.

With aesthetically pleasing decorum.

Get it right, other places. Get it right.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I love...

doing arts and crafts so Mom had a project for me to do at home! Valentine's Day decorations!

(which is funny because I swear off Valentine's Day every year, blah blah blah, and had just finished explaining that if I were to decorate this year, I was envisioning black construction paper hearts everywhere. Go fig. )

So during breakfast, I glitter painted hearts with things my family and I love, i.e. snowflakes, cupcakes, kittens, Snuggies, KU, and NASA.

And lucky for me, Mom never put away a christmas tree in the kitchen, so guess where they all went!

I took a nap right after. That's about all Cupid's bow could get out of me for now.

Click your heels three times...

So I'm on vacation. And I came home to Kansas. And here's what's happened on my adventure so far:

First of all, the Starbucks at the Orlando Airport creatively changed the spelling of my name:

But I still drank it and flew home anyway.

And then I went straight to a University of Kansas basketball game and they won, which makes me happy that I didn't jinx them. But I felt obligated to take a picture with the mascot...cuz that's what I do:

I feel his pain.

So this morning I woke up and saw THIS:

SNOOOOOOW! And my elementary school outside my bedroom window. But that's not as notable as the snow.

So I ate some snow and washed it down with some breakfast while I did hearts and crafts:

Kansas is fun.

Ps, Daisy says HI

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