Saturday, January 24, 2009

Probaby a bad idea

So today is roughly the peak of Mercury being in retrograde. By all means, I should have stayed in bed all day wrapped in bubble wrap, as I was advised. But I only made it to noon. Because then I decided to give Mercury the finger and be productive by cleaning/redecorating my room and bathroom. (And by redecorate, I mean hang a few different pictures on the walls. I wasn't gonna go crazy on a day like today.) But Mercury had other plans. Starting with the vacuum, my trusty dirt devil. I plug it in and go about my business until I smell something rancid. Checking the filter, I decided it needs to be emptied because it was at capacity. A few sneezes and a messy kitchen floor later, I'm thinking it's working like a dream. Until the smell returns and I realize it's not picking up anything. So I flip the thing over and the roller isn't even turning. Instead of saying "okay, this is just broken, let it go, buy a new vacuum, pick everything up by hand," I get out my toolbox and gut the sucker. Soon I found myself sitting in a pile of dusty hair and crap amidst tools and parts I didn't even know existed. The smell, I found out, was burning rubber from the broken and melted belt, mixed with burnt hair, I'm sure. And now that smell was in my bedroom. I managed to put it back together, and resigned to the fact that the vacuum was lost. So I lit some candles in it's memory, and to rid my sanctuary of the foul stench.
...It okay, though, because we had another vacuum cleaner all along.... figures.


devo said...


† Brycrasch said...

Mercury hates us...and we hate it back

Matthew said...

I hope you don't have indoor allergies. I would have DIED... literally.

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