Sunday, April 5, 2009


Happy Sunday, home slices...okay, whatever, it's Monday now, but I haven't gone to bed yet, so it still counts as my Sunday. AND it's still Sunday in the Mountain and Pacific time zones. But I digress... If you plan on sharing your secrets to the world this week, check out these first:

I feel superior if I'm sweating more than the person next to me. This probably means I'm in worse shape, but at least I'm creating an illusion of dedication.

I love the creativity of this secret despite the melancholy subject matter. For real, though, I always want to talk to my people in that 2 second silence right after the trailer is done.

Were the leaves on the ground or still on the tree? Either way, it's romantic. One just seems a bit more exciting/grass-stainy.

I have to break it off with my hand before I eat it... (that's what she sai-... no, that doesn't make sense.)
WHY?!?!?! Oh, you probably work at Disney. Some days, anything is better...

My secret of the week:

I've thought of clever answers for all of James Lipton's final questions on Inside the Actor's Studio, but I can't think of a witty response to "What do you want God to say to you at the pearly gates?"

Can I get a witness?

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